This post will be very different in nature from all of my previous posts. But don't worry, I have three 'normal' DIY posts that will go live within the next few days.
I believe that God has been dropping me nudges for quite a few months now to break out and do this but I have been afraid to. So many questions. How do I do a post like this? What will my readers think? What do I say without saying too much? As you know, I am a very detailed person, LOL. And the biggest fear . . . will it hurt me further? I am a Highly Sensitive Person so being in the biggest change and hard time of my life, this is a real factor.
So, I tried the arguing thing . . . "But my blog is a DIY & Home Improvement blog, God!" Since I'm writing this today, you know who won. Who ALWAYS wins. I somehow have to trust that HE knows best. Its one thing to have the head knowledge that He knows best but its quite another thing to actually TRUST that He knows best.
God is THE Creator. The Head Designer. When one has a successful design firm, the head designer makes the final decisions. He/she has a group of professionals that do his bidding. Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, painters, etc. But, if it is a space that the Designer owns, he/she doesn't have to communicate to anyone the final vision.
The first thing that has to happen in a complete renovation of a space is destruction. Everything has to be cleaned out. In the case of rot/mold/decay, even walls and/or floors have to be removed. There is a lot of chaos. A lot of noise. A lot of garbage that accumulates during the destruction before it is all cleaned up and removed. The space has to be brought back to the basics and rebuilt. A lot of work has to take place before any beauty can be seen. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NLT (New Living Translation) Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honour God with your body. If my body is one of God's dwelling places, then He can choose the design. He decides what has to go. What things do not 'go well together'. He decides how much destruction has to take place. He knows what is best. I do have free will, but if I have chosen to give my life to Him, if I have chosen to accept His eternal salvation (that He died on the cross to pay for) and have asked Him to dwell in me, then He doesn't have to communicate to me the whys and the plan. All He says is: Jeremiah 29:11 NLT (New Living Translation) "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." That actually is the beauty of this whole plan . . . the fact that although my life is His for Him to do with as He pleases, the things that He chooses for me are actually for MY OWN BENEFIT. I am definitely living in the aftermath of the destruction process. The destruction process is very painful. The garbage pile is rather large and smells bad. Thankfully, though, He does have a clean up crew on site during the destruction so they are working on the garbage pile. I am thankful for the 'crew' . . . the counsellors and doctors . . . that He has put in my life. I do see progress being made. I don't know the end design for any of the areas of my life but I am doing my best to trust the Head Designer.
For me, it represents a pause in my life where one part has ended and the next part hasn't begun yet. In the package the ring came in, there was a little card explaining the significance of the symbol. At the bottom there was this quote:
"You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it." Paolo Coelha I hope that this post today is an encouragement to you. Please leave a comment.
9/30/2018 07:44:07 am
Great job! Keep pushing on❤️
Joanne @AFreshPerspective
10/2/2018 07:07:46 pm
Thank you, Angela!
10/2/2018 11:03:11 am
Dear Joanna,
Joanne @AFreshPerspective
10/2/2018 07:10:19 pm
Thank you, Leona, for your kind words. I really appreciate the feedback. It has been a nail-biter to have this post go public. Its not easy presenting oneself vulnerable. However, I hope it will encourage someone.
Hi there!
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April 2020